Monday, January 19, 2009

Residential Cartoons go Evil

Resident Evil: Degeneration (2008) Animated
Animation has come a long way. This movie had scenes in it that looked liked they were filmed in real life. Mostly the inanimate objects such as planes and buildings... the people still gave away that it is animated due to the fact it's still hard to get people done right. They did a really amazing job overall.
The movie itself was pretty entertaining, albeit frustrating at times. Lots of intrigue and twists and turns which tended to be confusing. Leave it to the Japanese to make a zombie movie more about the political subterfuge than the horror aspect.

The characters were somewhat development, but I still didn't really emphasize with them. Sure I didn't want them to get killed, but I'll admit that it wouldn't have shaken me up if they did. I didn't really play the game series, so I didn't know that these characters were reoccurring and so they chance of them dying was next to nil. However, all the generic soldiers and bystanders were definitely fair game.

Bottom line: If you like super sweet looking CGI movies and or movies about zombies, then check it out. Otherwise I would recommend renting Forest Gump. It's alot easier to follow and has some pretty slick video/computer editing as well.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Payne in the Max

Max Payne (2008)
I had high hopes for this movie. The game itself was dark and violent, but pretty fun as far as I can recall. I was hoping the movie would be similar.
Unfortunately Hollywood mucked it up, and it fell short of it's potential.
It was minimally entertaining, and it felt like they could have done a better job.
I couldn't really get behind Mark Walburg's character's motivation. He didn't sell me on this feelings of having his wife and child murdered.
Also the action that did occur occasionally (not enough action for my taste!), was ridiculous, it was as if that's when the director must have remembered it was based on a video game and so should not follow any sort of realism at all.
They used the movie shotgun physics where if you get shot by a shotgun, you fly back 10-15 feet. Um..... wouldn't the equal action reaction law make the shooter also fly back 10-15 feet? Why do movies forget this fact? Sure getting shot by a shotgun might make you fall down or collapse... but actually leaving the ground and flying through the air into a wall?? I don't think so.... It was fun to watch this stuff as a kid, but as a (semi) educated adult, it just pulls me out of the movie.

Also, the plot seems to make no direction or sense until about 1/3 into the movie, just lots of messed up dirty characters to meet and greet.
Even when the plot was becoming more clear, I could easily predict who was involved with the conspiracy. I definitely wasn't on the edge of my seat.

Bottom line: If you really love mr. marky mark or weird movies with angel imagery then you might like it. If you prefer movies that make sense and are more exciting, maybe watch Resident Evil (even with zombies it made more sense than this movie).

Monday, January 12, 2009

Death Race to the Clone Wars Movie

Death Race (2008)
Jason Statham is a pretty enjoyable action star. Even if the movies he stars in aren't exactly Academy material, most them are fun to watch. This remake of an old 70's movie set in the future (as the original), but the main plot is quite different although similar details are present.
It was set in a jail, and luckily, there wasn't any creepy shower scenes with people dropping the soap.
The characters where all dripping with attitude and anger. So there wasn't a whole lot of range of acting going on (but what do you expect from an action flick).
The race scenes were quite exciting to watch. Lots of collisions, machine gun fire, and the occasional missile being launched.
There was some hand to hand action, but it wasn't as prevalent as some of Staham's other action films.

Bottom Line: If you like tough looking men trying to kill one another with cars with weapon systems, its worth a look. However if your looking for a feel good movie of the year, keep on truckin.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
I also had the opportunity to squeeze this animated contribution to the Star Wars universe into my weekend. They had produced 20 three minute animated cartoons on the cartoon network which were quite good, and had a lot of action. This was a theatrical release, feature film length movie. It provides filler between episodes II and III of the Star Wars series of movies.
It also had tons of action, but had more dialogue than the short 3 minute episodes. Also the plot and sub plots were strung throughout quiet well, and always kept you guessing.

The plot was pretty good, and definitely expanded the star wars universe in a fun direction. We got to see more of the clones that and a few even had some personality. The droid army's troops also provided comic relief, as they had many jokes throughout (usually before they get junked).
The animation was well done, but I didn't like how the main characters were stylized personally. They were too cartoonish (yes I know it's a cartoon). I felt they could have been done with more of an edge.

Bottem Line: If you are a Star Wars fan, or just like Cartoons with Scifi and action, then you will probably like this movie. If your anti-geek, or anti-imagination, then go watch a documentary on the reproduction lifecycle of cockroaches.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

28 days later of Police Academy

28 Days later (2003)
I was introducing a friend to the whole zombie horror movie genre, and decided to watch 28 days later. Some could argue that the infected aren't true "zombies", but I think we could believe that the genre might allow for some creative differences.

When I first saw this movie I nearly had a heart attack. Fast moving zombies!? I have seen a lot of zombie movies, but I couldn't recall any that had the horde running so fast and furiously.
After watching it again 6 years later, I noticed that the number of actual zombies portrayed in the film were sparse. There were only really a few big groups that consisted of up to 6 zombies, which was pretty weak in comparison that most movies have (think dozens or hundreds!). I think they make up for it with the character development and interaction. The characters have to live in a surreal world, and not many of us have had to deal with that in our lives.

I still like this movie, the zombies are gross and exciting to watch. The many scenes throughout England were well done and provide a great contrast between the urban and rural spaces.
The secondary plot at the end was also a good look at the darkness that can exist when civilization is non-existent. It shows that there are still worse things in this world than zombies.

However, these types of movies always make me want to run out and buy a gun and enough military rations for a year. Maybe five years just to be on the safe side.

Bottom Line: If you like blood, foreign accents, and zombies, I would recommend this movie.

Police Academy (1984)
So after my zombie movie, I decided to watch an old childhood comedy that I haven't seen in 15 to 20 years. It's a slapstick comedy about a group of new police recruits who are seen as less than desirable, and the antics and chaos they get into. It still made me chuckle, and I have to admit there were a few scenes I didn't quite get as a kid (think podium prank), but now as an adult I get all too well.

The movie is chalked full of character actors, and you can definitely laugh at how ridiculous they all are, but it's in a good way. There is the evil Lt. Harris who wants to have them all quit (so who we naturally root against), and there is the charming, likeable free spirit Mahoney who we all want to hang out with. Quite the dichotomy.

Bottom line: If you like to laugh at silly movies which usually end well for all the characters involved, check it out. If your offended by swears, sex, and violence, maybe watch some veggie tales instead.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009



I have another personal blog, and I found that I usually briefly describe movies that I've watched. This blog will be my more formal and humorous movie critic space. Any movie I watch I will review regardless if it is new or old, good or bad.
Well unless it is so bad that I cannot sit through the whole thing, but I think that's only happened a view times.
