Monday, January 19, 2009

Residential Cartoons go Evil

Resident Evil: Degeneration (2008) Animated
Animation has come a long way. This movie had scenes in it that looked liked they were filmed in real life. Mostly the inanimate objects such as planes and buildings... the people still gave away that it is animated due to the fact it's still hard to get people done right. They did a really amazing job overall.
The movie itself was pretty entertaining, albeit frustrating at times. Lots of intrigue and twists and turns which tended to be confusing. Leave it to the Japanese to make a zombie movie more about the political subterfuge than the horror aspect.

The characters were somewhat development, but I still didn't really emphasize with them. Sure I didn't want them to get killed, but I'll admit that it wouldn't have shaken me up if they did. I didn't really play the game series, so I didn't know that these characters were reoccurring and so they chance of them dying was next to nil. However, all the generic soldiers and bystanders were definitely fair game.

Bottom line: If you like super sweet looking CGI movies and or movies about zombies, then check it out. Otherwise I would recommend renting Forest Gump. It's alot easier to follow and has some pretty slick video/computer editing as well.

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